Thursday, April 17, 2008

Liberty and Coffee for All

i suffer from a recurring dream afflicting my sleep at least twice weekly. i have been relocated from an earth "no longer suitable to my type" to a colony called Liberty on a green planet a few solar systems over. i work in some sort of city office where everyone accepts all this as normal, of course.

The major employer in the colony, besides the government, is Allemand Industries Inc. - new, rebuilt or remanufactured, we can help you make the right choice - specializing in the sales and services of diesel engines and accessories for the marine, industrial, oilfield and fishing industries. Allemand Industries can complete what others have problems finishing, if you know what i mean. out the back door, naturally, they run a side interest in the liquidation of political undesirables get shipped in real regular from earth. this being one of the main functions of Liberty.

in the city office, i am treated like a moron. given tedious drone-like tasks, and monitored constantly, with talk about my "future with the organization" etc. everyone acts like their lives are full of purpose and direction toward some grand end, which, insofar as i am able to witness, appears nothing more than a grand delusional fantasy. by the same token i feel i am forced to live in the same way. all i have to do to be allowed to continue is to smile and say i like it.

the most horrible thing about Liberty is that there is an endless supply of free coffee, but the coffee maker hasn't been cleaned properly in years and in consequence the coffee is absolutely nasty in flavor. all the nasty coffee you can drink. welcome to Liberty.

cut to the Bureau of Agricultural Logistics. i am just finished with a 300 page report on the feasability of sustainable oatmeal and plop it on the formica desktop of Agent Cornporn, 27th district manager for distribution of hoof jelly. he puts down his paper, glances at the report and looks at me like i just rolled a turd into his ambrosia salad.

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